2. Marley got groomed last Friday and she looks so much better than before. Her hair hadn't been cut since the beginning of June so it was definitely time. She got a real schnauzer cut, skirt and all and she looks so pretty! That is, until last night when she went through my backpack that was on top of a chair in the kitchen, found an old orange tootsie pop, and ate the entire thing. I had to use scissors to cut small pieces out of her beard. This is a picture when I picked her up:
3. I am so thankful for Trevor! This weekend I was feeling pretty sick. On Friday morning before he went to work, he went to the store and got me some soup and gatorade to last me through the day. Then on Sunday, he came with me to the doctor so I wouldn't have to wait alone. Then when we got home, he mowed the lawn! Sounds like simple tasks but I'm thankful to have a husband that is willing to do those little things. Sometimes those are the things that mean the most.
4. This semester is the first time I have had to work during nursing school, and I am having a hard time finding balance! All last year, I could just focus on school on my days off. But now that I have a job that I'd really love to keep throughout the year, I have to figure out when I can work and how I can balance that with the workload of classes. It really gives me a good perspective of those that have always had to work their way through school with no breaks. Those people are some tough cookies! But I'm willing to sacrifice some extra time in my schedule to get to work with those tiny babies :)
5. Lately the Lord has really been teaching me to be content in the season I'm in right now. Sometimes all I can think about is graduation in May 2012, moving onto a real (RN!) job, and other fun things in our future. I think it's easy to get caught up in what excites us about the future, but God has put me where I am right now for a purpose. And if I spend this time focusing on future things, am I doing the work that God is calling me to do right now? Probably not. It's a hard task but I think its really important to recognize and respond to.
So there's a little update of life right now! Hope everyone is having a great week so far! :)