I don't know about you, but I am a list maker. I make multiple lists a week on different pages of various planners, journals, and school notebooks. I love being able to mark something off my list once it is complete. Sometimes I even add something to my list once I've done it, just so I can mark it off :) I enjoy accomplishing goals I set for myself, no matter how big or small they seem.
For some reason, this is the first year that I've been really interested and willing to commit to setting some goals and resolutions for the new year. In the past I always said "why wait until the new year?". This year I understand that the newness, innocence and freshness of January 1st is a great time to set some goals. Here are some of mine:
1. Let my love for Jesus show in more tangible ways this year (and forever). Use my spiritual gifts, my talents, my time (which is precious in nursing school), and my personality to further the Kingdom. In the end, this goal will mean more to Jesus than any other goal I ever set. I recently finished the book Crazy Love by Francis Chan. His words about being a lukewarm christian hit hard and have really morphed by view of being truly in love with Jesus.
2. Be a better organizer and maintainer of the home. We spent all day yesterday cleaning out closets and organizing a bunch of stuff. Together we had 5 trash bags full of stuff to donate to a charity called the Bridge of Lubbock. We had so much clothes, shoes and other stuff that we never ever use anymore! I want to be better about cleaning stuff out when we buy new things. Why hoard things when there are so many people all around us that could very well use it?
3. Stop trying to plan out our life. For some reason I think I'm in control ;)
4. Commit to exercising for 1 hour at least 3 times a week. I know this sounds like nothing to most of you, but when you work, go to lectures during the day, have clinicals at night, are married, and are in desperate need of sleep... Exercising is the LAST thing on my mind. I need to take better care of the body that God gave me while on earth.
5. Graduate from nursing school and pass boards!
Hopefully I'll be able to maintain these goals and resolutions! What are your resolutions for 2012?